Fantasies have to be unrealistic because the moment the second that you get what you seek you don't, you can't want it anymore. 为其壮烈且令人绝望的殉道表演所震动却无法产生认同感应有的感动也随之缺席影帝的表现令人折服影后就相形见绌情感的渗入显得表面化跳脱出个人价值观
4.5/5 Exuding cleverness, elegance and cinematic acuity, Yo-yo is a throwback to the carnivalesque era unmarred by technological advancements and individualist pursuits. On many levels, Yo-yo bears resemblance to the work of Tati, but the quirks of Etaix also sets him apart as a visionary paving his own way in the comedy genre.